2012 Archives


Going through Grades 6-12 are some of the toughest years socially we will ever go through in our lives. This is the point where your kids can easily lose their way, become depressed, struggle with their self confidence and turn to dangerous behavior like alcohol, drugs, crime, etc…as a way to “fit in” The most […]

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Have you been feeling tired,  low energy, “fuzzy” (often known as brain fog), weak immune system (you catch any cold going), have sudden onset of allergies that you never had before, muscle aches that are often unexplained, chronic digestive problems such as acid reflux? Chances are you are experiencing an imbalance between the bad and […]

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We all get stressed in today’s fast-moving, rapidly changing and challenging economic times – many of us realize that stress is not GOOD for us, but do we really understand how bad it can be? Negative stress, chronic stress and most of all, the inability to control stress in our life can (and will) lead […]

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One of the most revealing activities you can do on your quest for personal improvement is to put your attention into recognizing the hundreds of negative thoughts that bounce inside your head each day – some of them present as the result of someone else, other times these thoughts are the result of negative self-talk.  […]

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