2012 Archives


I’m not sure anyone doubts the link between chronic negative stress and disease, specifically heart and cardiovascular disease not to mention immune system and digestive system compromise. The real question is, do we really understand how destructive a power stress actually is on our bodies and our life? Do we really get that stress KILLS? […]

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How many times have you been stuck at a place in your life where you know full well that you MUST change your life in order to survive? It’s a lonely, serious and very powerful feeling isn’t it? When you reach this point in your life you… Feel trapped and often can’t see the way […]

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Anyone who has read Attracting Greatness understands the challenges I faced in my mid-twenties (low energy, toxic, partial paralysis, poorly functioning immune system, new allergies, constant brain fuziness and headaches, chronic digestion problems like acid reflux and bloating…etc). You will also know that years of medical tests and medications ended up making those problems worse, […]

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Lately, there has been a trend toward bashing self-esteem based mainly on the fact that trying to boost our personal confidence falsely clouds the reality that setbacks, failures and challenges do occur in life and we need the tools to be able to deal with these when they happen. Behind this assumption is that building […]

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Measuring self confidence is not black and white, but is rather a sliding scale and depends heavily on the circumstances as well as time period you are in with your life. You may ooze self confidence when you are 1-on-1 with your family or your best friend but absolutely become a wreck when you get […]

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One of the most common comments I get from people who have used Attracting Greatness to help them grow their self-confidence and self-esteem is how relieved they are to be finally in control of their own emotions unlike in the past when their sense of self-confidence was up and down like a rollercoaster.  Even worse, […]

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Had an email exchange with a recent owner of Attracting Greatness – Roadmap To Total Life Success when he reached out in frustration over real attempts to improve his self confidence and assertiveness in life. On the positive side, he was aware enough that to improve his job, relationships, behavior and place in the world […]

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This may be one of the tougher blog posts for you to read…definitely for many who have worked through our Life Improvement Road Map – Attracting Greatness, this topic of constantly being in relationship and social conflict is a very common one. It typically starts with a current relationship…either a parent-child, girlfriend-boyfriend (or significant other), […]

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Many people struggle with self-confidence their entire lives, instead they focus their energy on trying to cover up the fact from themselves and from everyone around them. It’s really like living a huge lie…and over time it complete wears on you. Consistently it has been proven that both achievement and fulfillment in almost every part […]

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After posting “Self-Confidence, You Just Have to Have It” earlier this past week, many of you have emailed me with some amazing stories and words of thanks as it seemed to be a catalyst for change many of you have been putting off in your lives. A few of you sent me emails though with […]

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