2012 Archives


There are many who work through Attracting Greatness who evolve from living in a deep hole of despair, depression and self sabotage to hope, the start of satisfaction and much more positive energy…for those of you reading this that feel like you are in a deep hole, here is how you can get started. For […]

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I really wanted to post about this topic today as so many people who reach out regarding self-improvement and improving their self-confidence are largely driven by anxiety and fear – the foundation of low self-esteem which can be tremendously helped by meditation. At first though the link between meditation (usually thought of more in terms […]

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Many people suffer with their current reality, hey would like to be someone better than they are especially when it comes to how they act and how they are received by others around them. Can you relate? Have you ever felt that others have a more magnetic personality? I would have to say the #1 […]

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Willpower, the ability to stick to your objectives and practices despite any setbacks (whether internal or external) is something we would all like to increase in our life…if we could just push through resistance and stick with our plans, we could be in a much better place right now. True enough, we don’t need to […]

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Have you hit a point in your life when you would like to be better socially but end up avoiding people ending up watching TV, using technology or just sitting by yourself when you know you should be out with friends, working or having more fun? This is a very common feeling people have at […]

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The key to change in life is to altering behaviors, but what governs how we behave? Thoughts…at the end of the day our ability to control the direction of our lives, become happier and reach objectives we have been dreaming about is better management over our thoughts. That means both being able to stop thinking […]

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