

Stress can KILL! It kills ambition, hope, energy and eventually – physically can shorten your life. Stress can ALSO be fuel to reach your highest goals. In other words, the stress you are feeling can be *good* or it can be *bad* So here’s how to tell which one you have… And, how to turn […]

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We’ve lived through incredible challenges over the last few years. Everyone has been impacted to one extent or another. Mental health has suffered…some have withdrawn while others have escaped through the use of alcohol or medication…still others have settled for less and no longer are hopeful or confident in the future. It’s time to take […]

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Even though it may SEEM like you are the only one that is stuck in your life, be assured that it happens to everyone – often many times in your lifetime. The key is to make sure this feeling of being trapped or stuck in a rut in your life is simply a temporary state […]

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Are you someone who has no trouble dreaming up big things, but can’t seem to take action toward achieving your dreams? In fact, many people specifically run AWAY from their dreams and cannot quite figure out why? Here are 3 questions that will help you STOP running away from your dreams and START you on […]

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Inside SNAP: 4 Steps To Getting Unstuck In Your Life we talk about the pillars that must be in place to make major breakthroughs and progress in your life…one of those pillars is self-confidence. The the real challenge with low self-confidence is how much of an ingrained pattern it becomes for most of us and […]

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Who do you admire, follow or wish you were like? Chances are they appear larger than life to you, having achieved some pretty amazing thingsĀ and you wish that could translate into a better life for you. What we see is the RESULT of the achievement…the lifestyle, the prestige, the notoriety, the stuff (material things), the […]

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One of the biggest challenges I faced when I was in my Twenties and early Thirties was being emotionally paralyzed by worrying what other people will think if I say, behave or act on a certain thought. Every situation called for major analysis, thoughts raced through my head and anxiety built entirely around what “may” […]

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