Wouldn’t it be cool if you could literally change the way you feel to get out of a slump or bad mood within seconds…watch this quick Tony Robbins clip   Post by Tony Robbins.

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It’s so easy to be caught up in the day-to-day activities and struggles of life where one day evolves into the next as months and years go by seemingly at the speed of light. When that happens, unfortunately we lose sight of what is really important and get into the habit of existing instead of […]

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Is fear preventing you from living a happy, fulfilling life? If so, what is the source of that fear and how can you overcome fear to live life as you were meant to live it? Most of the fear blocking us in our lives is consciously and sub-consciously developed by our own mind through doubt […]

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Last month I wrote a blog post about 4 Ways To Find Your Purpose In Life – and heard from many of you by email and on Twitter (follow us on Twitter @HigherTrust ) that this post really hit on something important for your life. One question I did get several times over though was […]

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Wanted to quickly throw this out there because I still see so many people unable to achieve true self confidence in their lives EVEN though they spend months and months trying. One of the main reasons why people do not achieve the level of self confidence required to feel both inner peace and to have […]

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Guys, if you are struggling to win the attention of a girl you really want to get to know better and for her to be attracted to you, then consider the power of being more natural and less controlled. The typical issue is that most guys feel they are not interesting enough, not fun enough, […]

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Is there anything more frustrating than living your life, day-in and day-out, with the feeling that your life has no purpose? How can you be expected to understand your place in the world, your contribution, your deep connection to those around you who share your purpose or your value in the world which is the […]

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Mindfulness is an extremely powerful and necessary pillar to overall life success.  But what is mindfulness really, and how can you apply it to your life to improve your well being? Mindfulness can be something abstract, challenging to understand and certainly mystifying about how to apply it to your own life. When you think about […]

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Have you ever noticed that when you are given time, instead of enjoying that time and using it productively you instead find yourself falling into patterns of negative thinking, you end up in front of the TV, computer or gaming system leading to a downward spiral of feeling stuck? Instead of making your life better, […]

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If you have ever wondered what invisible, frustrating force is holding you back in your life, preventing you from taking what you wish for and turning that into reality, then this information will help. Years ago we put our finger on something very fundamental when it comes to determining how successful people think versus how […]

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