Life Is Too Short For…(Top 10)


What is your top 10 list of “Life is Too Short For…?” – leave us a comment and let everyone know!

Here’s my list:

Life is too short for…

  1. Spending more time coming up with excuses than coming up with a plan to change
  2. Being controlled by others (financially, emotionally, physically…)
  3. Making a living doing something you don’t LOVE!
  4. Giving your time to people who bring you down rather than help life you up
  5. Not getting in touch with your true inner beliefs and emotions
  6. Waiting for change to happen instead of making it happen
  7. Being around other people who don’t care about themselves
  8. Holding grudges – move on
  9. Hanging on to the past when it’s gone
  10. Staying in one place when there is so much to learn and experience

This is fun, but make sure you have your own list of “Life is too short for…” and review them daily such that they become principles you live by.  You can even turn each of these statements into affirmations and really ramp up the changes in your life.

See, personal growth really can be fun and powerful at the same time.

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