2015 Archives


Perception is everything when it comes to your own self-image and self-esteem. So many people have labeled themselves a LOSER continually replaying that thought and message over and over again in their heads until they absolutely believe it and that belief governs every action they take in life. Problem is though, the reasons people use […]

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Worry, stress and anxiety are an epidemic in today’s society. Never have the levels of stress and worry been so high or wide ranging. We have a chronically challenging economic situation, health crisis that are broadcast 24-hours a day 7-days a week, a rapidly changing job environment, more stress on our kids and teens, a […]

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Not sure if you caught the Grammy Awards last evening, but Kanye West was at it again… Years back Kanye interfered with Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the Grammy’s sending off a storm of press and controversy, this year’s near repeat seemed to have been in jest, but it definitely caught the attention of everyone […]

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I’ve told the story to many people over the years, meditation did not come easily to me. In fact, I spent the good part of 20-years in my early life trying, but never being able to really “GET” meditation, each time giving up and obviously not really experiencing the benefits. What really changed for me […]

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Today’s posting targets the huge GAP between being able to achieve goals versus your outside-focused daily activities.  This post will give you new insight empowering you to accomplish more and be happier doing it. One of the most enlightening reflections you can have (it only takes a few moments) is to think back through your […]

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Chronic stress caused by feeling an overall lack of control and frustration in life is a paralyzing force that has many negative side-effects on our emotional, social and physical health. We are all at risk, and many of us are trapped in a hopeless vortex of stress that, at times, seems impossible to escape. So, […]

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No wonder we come home at the end of a day frustrated, depressed and sapped of energy…the fact is that our cycle of beliefs, thoughts and actions (which in turn further reinforce our beliefs) is negative. Expecting things to magically change tomorrow, the next day or the next month is wishful thinking. We are not […]

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One of the great side-effects of publishing on this blog regularly is that I receive direct contact from some of you and get to hear how the advice, content and stories hit home with some of you and where there are still questions and gaps that you want me to touch on. This post covers […]

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One of the most incredible experiences I went through years ago was to journal, hour-by-hour my daily activities and associated feelings throughout a 48-hour period. What I noticed was how many of those feelings were negative and how the struggle to stay positive was really a losing proposition in my life at that time. I […]

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One of the earliest identified human needs to be happy and fulfilled is to find our place or purpose in life. Without a purpose driving us, we feel lost, unfulfilled, and find it very hard to get motivated.  Those feelings, of course, continue to spiral out of control until we find our daily habits have […]

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