2013 Archives


Here’s a question I have been asking myself many times in the last few days… “How can I overcome fear, frustration, doubt and poor self image so that my true passion, excitement, energy and capability is allowed to shine through?” In other words, I am trying to get out of my own way! Can you […]

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One of the most common stress management techniques I see out there today is based on avoidance…stay away from people, situations or thoughts that stress you out. Is that really the best approach? Sure, we all have little things that completely set us off. For me, here are some common stress triggers: 1. Being controlled […]

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I came home this afternoon feeling defeated…frustration had gotten the better of me. You know the type of day? When you swear the entire world is stacked against you, seemingly everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Missed appointments, people coming down you, even friends not honoring their commitments. I remember walking in the […]

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Are you stuck in life?  Feeling smothered, like you are pinned into your job, emotional state, relationship or level of health and can’t seem to find the time, method or technique to help you break through and become unstuck in life? This is often where we suddenly see the importance of life planning and begin […]

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We all have times in our lives when we accomplish something we are proud of. It may be getting a good set of marks in a school subject, raising money for a charity, getting our first real job or meeting a person we are proud to be friends or in an intimate relationship with. Achieving […]

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We all want our own definition of success in life, for some that means overcoming a debilitating illness while for others it means meeting the partner of our dreams. I fully recognize that “success” is a subjective term, meaning different things to different people at different points in their lives. In your 20’s, success may […]

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We often talk about the incredible results that you can get from personal development, the improvements in happiness, productivity, health and spirit. What I thought would be useful to discuss here (and I hope you will leave a comment with your input) is how we can practice personal development each day and week…actual examples of […]

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Just 5-short years ago the term probiotic was barely known outside of small group of alternative practitioners, fast-forward to today and it seems that every food manufacturer, doctor, nutritionist and behavior counselor is advocating the benefits of probiotics. While the benefits of including smaller amounts of probiotics combined with foods in everything from juices to […]

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Of all the challenges we face in our lives having low self esteem could be one of the most damaging, yet hidden of them all. What makes low self esteem so destructive is that it occurs at such a young age, permeates our entire internal thought process which then impacts our actions creating a vicious […]

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