June 2012 Archives


If you asked a dozen people what they want most out of life, 75% will answer “happiness” or “to be happy” Seems logical right?  Who the hell doesn’t want to be happy? WHAT IS HAPPINESS? The challenge with happiness is that “happy” is a temporary emotion when what we really want is something more… Remember […]

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I have yet to meet a person that has not struggled with their life balance between work/career/business, their health, relationships and personal development. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day and most of us are taught (through school, our parents or role models) that to achieve success you must make sacrifices…meaning […]

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I was speaking to a recent reader of Attracting Greatness yesterday when they shared something rather surprising with me. A section of that book is focused on boosting self confidence and self esteem with what I had thought was a rather obvious emphasis on finding the inner confidence that we all have within us…but many […]

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One of the most important lessons I have learned in my life so far is to stop living in the past and future and instead live for TODAY! My tendency used to be to worry…worry about everything! My job, my health, everyone around me, how people perceived me, if I could handle certain situations, about […]

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I’m not sure anyone doubts the link between chronic negative stress and disease, specifically heart and cardiovascular disease not to mention immune system and digestive system compromise. The real question is, do we really understand how destructive a power stress actually is on our bodies and our life? Do we really get that stress KILLS? […]

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How many times have you been stuck at a place in your life where you know full well that you MUST change your life in order to survive? It’s a lonely, serious and very powerful feeling isn’t it? When you reach this point in your life you… Feel trapped and often can’t see the way […]

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Anyone who has read Attracting Greatness understands the challenges I faced in my mid-twenties (low energy, toxic, partial paralysis, poorly functioning immune system, new allergies, constant brain fuziness and headaches, chronic digestion problems like acid reflux and bloating…etc). You will also know that years of medical tests and medications ended up making those problems worse, […]

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