2015 Archives


Are you in one of those ruts in your life where everything seems to go against you? Your friends let you down, your family is on your back, you can’t seem to get ahead in your career and your living in debt or barely breaking even? But isn’t everyone like that? Isn’t that a reason […]

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Quite common for overwhelm and anxiety to manifest itself in different ways – for some people it can mean withdrawing from those around us, others turn to drugs and alcohol, still others overeat — watch what happens to this anchorman who experiences an anxiety attack on air – and how he found meditation to be […]

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How do you react (emotionally and physically) to change in your life? What happens when things don’t go as planned…when someone ends a relationship without you expecting or when something unexpected happens in your career or job? How about everyday things that change like the weather (a sudden storm or rain when it was supposed […]

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Why is it that you won’t speak up and say what you want to say? How come you can’t be who you really are (or who you know you could be?) What is it that is holding you back even though you know you COULD be happier, more productive, more influential and more of an […]

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When you are at your most motivated you can accomplish amazing things – right? We all have times in our life we can recall when we were at the top of our game, highly motivated and were able to achieve an incredible outcome. In fact, many of us look back on certain points in our […]

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  I’ve been a HUGE fan and have benefited greatly from the teachings of the inspirational Brian Tracy. Brian’s decades of experience are packed into his newest program – a 13-CD set that teaches you the most important, life transformation skills and strategies required to make your 2016 AMAZING! For instance, he helps you: Techniques […]

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Have you ever noticed that when you want to grow or expand an area of your life you immediately look to others to help you get there? If your goal is to lose 20-pounds, then you immediately ask those around you about diet or exercise plans, what they have done to try to lose weight […]

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