2015 Archives


I’m not crazy about words like success or achievement, even though they are powerful words, they mean different things to different people. Depending on your beliefs and your background, these words may have more negativity associated with them that positive meaning. What is universal though is that we, as humans always want to strive to […]

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What do you have to gain following the crowd? What good comes from letting someone else control your life, your time, your energy and and your contribution to the world? Yet 97% of the population are followers…we are taught to follow rules, do the “right” thing, study standard teaching, to not deviate from the lesson […]

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One of the biggest challenges I faced when I was in my Twenties and early Thirties was being emotionally paralyzed by worrying what other people will think if I say, behave or act on a certain thought. Every situation called for major analysis, thoughts raced through my head and anxiety built entirely around what “may” […]

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You’ve probably heard the saying, “if you can conceive it you can achieve it” as related to changing your life for the better. Well, not exactly… Simply conceiving something, knowing that you want to achieve something in your life is not enough to make it happen is it? You want to lose 20lbs, but that’s […]

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You could be a champion for civil rights, a clergy member who inspires Millions, a top entrepreneur or artist – it doesn’t matter, you will have days when you hit bottom. You lose your belief in yourself, doubts creep in and you just can’t seem to get interested or motivated by anything. It happens to […]

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How often do you carry through on an idea, thought or intention when it is backed by one of these? Someday I’ll do it Maybe I’m going to… My intention is to do it Tomorrow… Next time… Soon… All of these conditional thoughts fall into one large bucket I call the “No Where Life” It […]

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Are you living in an undesirable state right now? Do any of these words capture the way you are feeling right now? Broken down Tired Frustrated Dark Wrenching Pain Hopeless Angry Confused Controlled Uncertain Anxious These are negative states that many of us end up falling into in normal life. When I felt trapped in […]

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Have you bought into the idea of trying to get more “BALANCE” in your life? What does that really mean to you? For most people, they are frustrated with their current life…their job, their career, their business and so they think of BALANCE as a way to do less of the things that stress us […]

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