2014 Archives


Has the thought ever entered your mind that “there must be more to life than this?” Or, do you get tired of your routine and think “what is it that I am missing in life?” You aren’t alone, in fact the vast majority of us battle with thoughts like this daily, not exactly sure what […]

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Chronic stress, worry and anxiety severely impact our ability to stay sharp, be creative and operate at maximum productivity – many in society have come to learn the value in meditation and it’s ability to manage stress and worry by living in the moment.  Still, fast-paced, testosterone-laced Wall Street executives are not the crowd you […]

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I’m a huge fan of momentum, get the snowball traveling down the hill, it takes on a life of its own without you having to push anymore AND its very tough to stop it. Imagine taking any goal you have in your life (losing weight, being more confident, growing your business, overcoming addiction, etc…) and […]

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Many people assume that self-confidence just “happens” and that when they lack confidence, that’s “just the way it is!” Not true, building self confidence doesn’t just happen, it takes some work, the good news is that anyone can improve their level of self confidence rapidly. Self confidence… Is a conscious decision…you decide to be confident, […]

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When you hit a point in your life or a particular situation where you lack self esteem you know the feeling… You immediately become withdrawn, fearful of every word, action or thought You feel like you are under a magnifying glass, everyone is looking and judging You wish you could shrivel up and escape this […]

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If you really think about it, most of us are constantly chasing after recognition, acceptance, prestige from someone we deeply care about or respect. Do you find that you are often seeking the approval your parents, your boss, a good friend or boyfriend/girlfriend? You will do almost anything you think they would like you to […]

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Apparently, the root of all inspiration, change, self improvement and progress in life is the appealing, yet mystical act of finding your purpose in life. If it were that simple rates of depression, disease and unhappiness would drop faster than the reputation of Justin Bieber. But it’s not that simple is it? For someone like […]

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How you respond to setbacks, failures, disappointments, and adversity is key to both your ability to get the results you desire as well as your ability to enjoy the ride (attain satisfaction in life). Think about it… When something stands in your way, perhaps you are relieved of your job or a relationship doesn’t work […]

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We all reach times in our life when we get stuck in a rut, bored, unfulfilled, in need of some major catalyst that will propel us to change your life. At these times, you wonder “will things ever go my way?” “Do I have any chance of being a success in life?” It could be […]

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