2011 Archives


Intimidation is the dirty little secret that most of us have a very challenging time dealing with let alone admit it to others. By admitting that we feel less than someone else we look up to means that we must admit our feelings of worthlessness, that we actually feel and believe (albeit at a less […]

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I was recently communicating with an up-and-coming musician that found himself “blocked” in achieving his next stage of success by doubts, fears and low self-esteem he blamed on his past. Having been raised in an abusive situation, suffering years of low self-esteem, being wrapped up in addiction he had now finally come out the other […]

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I’ve never been a big fan of the distinction made between introverts and extroverts – mainly because it is simply not that black and white. Someone who is an introvert in a group situation may be incredibly extroverted 1:1 or with a small group. I remember a great friend of mine who always seemed to […]

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You’ve heard the expression “Pay yourself first” right?  That usually means that keeping some of what you earn to pay yourself results in a solid financial foundation from which you can achieve your goals and dreams – including helping others through investment, charities and the like. But, what about the concept of taking time for […]

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We all have dreams and wishes linked closely with achieving desired pleasures or overcoming current/perceived pain,  some choose to no longer acknolwedge those dreams,  while others get completely lost in these dreams. A subset of us move from dreams and wishes into goals…concrete statements about what we want to achieve. Granted, those goals may range […]

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We’ve gotten so used to hearing that well over 3/4 of us are not happy with our job, work or business, it’s like we all know it, but the emotional impact is long gone. Even fewer than 1/4 say that we are passionate or very happy with what we do…but what does this REALLY mean […]

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Two of the most frustrating and self-destructive emotional feelings we can have are jelousy and envy.  Both of these feelings lead to frustration, stress and unhappiness not to mention how those internal feelings manifest themselves externally – in our behavior. Do any of these sound familiar to you? Getting angry when you find out that […]

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It is so easy to say…discover your purpose and passion and you will unlock the true potential in your life — if only it were that simple. For many of us, it has been so long since we had that feeling of true inner joy where time didn’t seem to matter because we were doing […]

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Aretha sang R-E-S-P-E-C-T demanding respect, and we may surely feel we deserve more respect from someone around us, but what about from ourselves? How can we expect to be productive, happy, and confident people if we lack a fundamental self respect?  What are some examples where self respect is suffering? 1. Negative self-talk, where you […]

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One of the reasons we decided to write our latest book outlining a Plan For Greatness followed by many to help “Get Unstuck” and live their life with greater purpose and passion was to communicate a few principles that radically changed our own lives and has since changed the lives of countless others.  One of […]

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