2010 Archives


I’ve noticed this more and more about myself lately, and wondered if you have experienced a similar thing in your life? When something happens in life where I must prepare to do something I don’t want to do, no matter how hard I try, my mind seems to shut down and I find it hard […]

Filed under confidence building by  #


Are you someone who has a pretty good sense for what you need to do to improve your life, but can’t seem to get the ball rolling? It could be that you have a great business idea, but you just can’t seem to create the momentum to get that going. Or maybe you want to […]

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Each of us has the ability to achieve great things in our lives, reach our dreams and goals and become the people and contributors we truly believe we can be underneath our doubts, fears, frustrations and stresses. The challenge is keeping consistently motivated and focused on our goals. Especially when we go through stressful times […]

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All of us need a push at times to keep momentum, to reinforce the feeling of being useful and actively participating in life instead of sitting back and watching from the sidelines. Show me someone struggling with low motivation, unhappiness, health challenges, high stress and a negative outlook in life and typically they will also […]

Filed under confidence building by  #


For years I thought – how do I know if meditation is working?   Do I need to learn how to meditate or have I got the proper techniques down? In other words, what should meditation feel like?  What short-term clues will I have when meditation is working versus spending time trying and either failing to […]

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Most of us have a truckload of bad habits that have developed over the last years… Too little or inconsistent sleep Nutritional balance is way off…too much salt, alcohol, sugar with not enough protein, fruit and vegetables Stop staying in touch with our true inner values and beliefs, choosing instead to be blindly influenced by […]

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What does it take to persuade others to see your point of view or to take action – these factors may seem subtle or even insignificant, but they can be incredibly powerful Total, unwavering inner belief about your convictions – those you are trying to persuade have a built-in BS detector, we know when someone […]

Filed under persuasion by  #


We are busier than ever, driven to distraction by any number of factors including technology (always-on portable devices, more TV in the home, computer games seemingly always on), busy careers, kids, annoying family members that come to visit for days on end, major social events that distract us – all of which make staying focused […]

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