The Essence Of Self-Confidence


Wanted to quickly throw this out there because I still see so many people unable to achieve true self confidence in their lives EVEN though they spend months and months trying.

One of the main reasons why people do not achieve the level of self confidence required to feel both inner peace and to have influence and relationships with those around them is due to a mistaken sense of what self-confidence really IS!

Many people believe the objective (and litmus test of knowing when they have achieved self confidence) is when other people react in certain way toward them.

For example, they feel self-confidence when people like them, say nice things about them, support them, praise them, or at least leave them alone.

But that’s not really the appropriate measure of self confidence because deep-down inside you know that you are constantly chasing your tail trying to keep people saying nice things about you and liking you…even when you have to do things you don’t really want to do, don’t believe in or that make you unhappy.

Instead, the real essence of self-confidence is when you have 100% certainty that YOU can still be happy, committed and at peace when others DON’T support you, praise you or engage you.  

In other words, the inner peace that comes from you having the unshakable belief that you can handle any situation in life is what gives us amazing levels of self-confidence from which we can then go out and make a huge impact on the world.

What you will find is that when you are driven by internal confidence, others will be drawn to you, you do have more influence and you will attract like-minded people toward you.  But it is not done through manipulation or acting but rather truth and inner peace.

Does your self confidence come from an unshakable inner strength and belief or are you constantly chasing external validation?

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