Teaching Is A Terrific Motivator!

Do you sometimes get called lazy?

Are you someone who has a difficult time getting motivated to take action even though in the back of your mind you KNOW that taking the first step is all you really need to get going?

How about finishing something – we’ve all experienced situations where we started out to achieve something great, but then stalled somewhere between start and finished…without ever achieving our end goal.

If you fall into this camp, then try this…try setting an objective to TEACH someone else how to do what you have set as a goal.

Set a deadline, communicate with that person and tell them that you will teach them how to achieve a certain goal within a fixed period of time.

Here’s an example…I wanted to teach my kids a lesson about how to deal with anger (we’ve had some temper tantrums lately) so I went out and studied the heck out of the topic, came up with a few techniques and tested them with the kids over a month. We found one that works very well.

Or, I have turned many of my career interests into a consulting practice where you are on the line as a teacher of the topic – now THAT gets you motivated to take action.

What if you wanted to lose 5-lbs, but can’t seem to take that first action of exercising or making dietary changes?

Then find someone else who shares a similar goal and tell them that you will TEACH them how to lose 5-lbs within the next 4-weeks.   Your committment puts your reputation on the line and sets a mark in time when you have to have figured things out.

Notice that the goal is NOT to teach yourself how to do something but to teach someone else how to do it.

Give this a try if you are someone who is lacking motivation, stuck in loops of procrastination or just needs to improve their level of productivity in areas of your life.

To get the full 5-Step System For Achieving ‘Beyond Greatness’ visit Attracting Greatness – you’ll also find a top-notch, 30-day free affirmation system to get you into a much more happy, excited and fulfulling place in your life.

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