stop procrastination


Whether you are looking to break out of a rut your life has been stuck in or you are looking to expand to the next level and achieve the goals and dreams that have been in your mind for months now…mastering self-discipline is critical to progress no matter your starting point. In this video we […]

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I get a kick out of people who are stuck in life telling me that they are somehow unlucky or “chosen” to be held down in a certain area of their life. They feel as though they are the ONLY ones that bad things happen to. Is that true? Obviously not…challenges and setbacks happen to […]

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We all reach times in our life when we get stuck in a rut, bored, unfulfilled, in need of some major catalyst that will propel us to change your life. At these times, you wonder “will things ever go my way?” “Do I have any chance of being a success in life?” It could be […]

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It’s the #1 frustration that people in today’s society struggle with – how to stop procrastination, get off our butts and really do the things we know we should, or would like to be doing to see results. One explanation for this is the relative comfort we live in here in the Western World means […]

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I’ve had the chance to dig deeply into what motivates some people who have done extraordinary things in their lives.  People who have learned to stop procrastination and accomplish more in a day than others dream about their entire lives.  Many of these people started from very challenging backgrounds (abuse, depression, financial ruin, extreme shyness or […]

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What is more frustrating than knowing exactly what you want, what you have to do to get it and not being able to move forward – a term we commonly label procrastination? Failure to achieve doesn’t always come down to issues of time management or the fact we have procrastinated on a lucid plan we […]

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