

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when, either because of sickness or exhaustion or just because you HAD to, you actually slowed down and suddenly your body relaxed, your mind possessed thoughts you hadn’t had for years and you experienced feelings that you hadn’t perhaps felt since you were a kid? We all […]

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Have you ever had feelings of overwhelm where things are moving so fast you are barely keeping your head above water and you desperately need to slow things down to catch your breath? We all have points in our life like this, where our job, health, career, relationships, friends and life challenges all collectively overwhelm […]

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Meditation is a technique anyone can begin using right away to… Bring more clarity into your life Control negative thoughts and emotions Balance your emotional state (lessening the high’s and low’s) Help manage feelings such as “loss of control” or utter “frustration” Set the foundation for greater self awareness, finding one’s purpose and living a […]

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