

I talk with friends, my own family and the families of those around me and I really wonder, has it ever been as confusing to know what to do in life? Here’s what I mean… The economy is in the midst of the greatest change since the Great Depression in the 1930’s Information is growing […]

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People often throw these terms around haphazardly as labels to either explain those around them that make them uncomfortable or to place on themselves when they have been labelled by others in the past. But is there a difference between Shyness and being Introverted? Shyness is a label that is most often associated with anxiety, […]

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Have you ever felt that your interests or activities are just not productive?  That you like watching TV, going to the movies, talking with friends, traveling – but when it comes to goals, producing results, making a living or getting things done — you just don’t seem to know where to turn next? Every person I’ve […]

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