Power To The Introverts

If you consider yourself tending toward introverted over extroverted (since this is a sliding scale), do you feel you are being left out in today’s society?

As we all have times, situations and places where we can be more fulfilled and better creatively as an introvert – we should all ask ourselves this question.

Two major factors impact introverts today:

1. Technology – the evolution of technology toward connected, networked and social means that all technology evolution today is working towards group creation and away from individual enhancement. You guessed it, this favors heavily extroverts where the desire to be heard and seen trumps introspection and contemplation

2. Decision Making Trends – it used to be that individual entrepreneurs and inventors led the way in terms of creativity and value, but today decision are expected to be made in committee’s, groups often with a focus on conflict as a healthy way to massage ideas. Yes, this can work, but so can individual thought, and the simple fact is that in today’s society, that becomes tougher.

A good deal of the ideas on this blog and inside Attracting Greatness involve preparing yourself to fully realize your potential and lead people instead of being led…the fact that today’s society is trending toward extroverts makes this all the more important.

Here is a terrific video that I hope introverts and extroverts alike watch…we can all learn from it.

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