Overcoming Low Self Esteem

There’s nothing worse than being in a situation where you know you could have contributed demonstrating to everyone your knowledge, your good nature and let them know what you are "really" like.

If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you feel unfulfilled, almost in a constant state of anxiety due to the war that goes on inside of you each and every hour of the day.

Whether the issue is public speaking, being comfortable in a large group of people, speaking up at work, being strong in front of your children, or upholding your side of an important relationship – low self esteem will impact every one of these situations.

If your low self-esteem has hit a breaking point, then you may already be experiencing anxiety attacks, have turned to mechanisms for escape such as alcohol or medication or simply have given up and exist in a state of depression.

What is at the root of self-esteem?  In order to really tackle the problem, increase our self-confidence and finally blast through the barriers that hold us back from behaving true to our internal desires we need to tackle the root of the problem — and the root is often fear. 

In "Achievement Through Overcoming Fear" it is made clear that many of us today operate in a near constant state of fear that causes frustration, anxiety, stress and health issues not to mention an increasingly low self-esteem.

Fortunately, there is a way out.  By understanding the root of fear, putting it into its context and better understanding how others perceive you, suddenly fear can be managed and your self-esteem can increase substantially. 

Overcoming low self-esteem is a necessary building block to improving yourself overall – on the way you must learn to tackle your fears…read this article on overcoming fear to help control the negatives in your life letting positive happiness, joy, peace and prosperity into your life. 

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Pings on Overcoming Low Self Esteem

May 3, 2008