Just When You Were About To Quit – This Happens!


refuse to quitHave you ever pushed yourself to stick with something, to try a little harder – even when every ounce of your brain was screaming “Enough Already!”

Every day we are faced with tough decisions, do we continue or do we give in and quit?

Here are just a few you may relate to…

  • Do I keep up exercising for my 5th day in a row, or do I just take a day off today because I’m feeling tired?
  • I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with my son or daughter, but not today – maybe tomorrow the time will be better
  • There’s an opportunity developing at work I know I’m totally suited for, my boss seems like he’s in a bad mood today though, so I won’t approach him today
  • I’ve been good with my diet eating healthy foods and sticking to it for the last two weeks, today surely I can quit and “cheat” just this once
  • It’s been 6-months of trying to make a profit in my new business, it seems like the deck is stacked against me – I’m throwing in the towel!

It turns out that most breakthroughs in life occur beyond that point of where our brain is comfortable or even logically believes what we are trying to achieve is really possible.

Really, this makes total sense when you think about it…if breakthroughs just “happened” within our comfort zone and current belief system we wouldn’t have such trouble reaching our most ambitious dreams – they would simply happen.

We all know that’s not the case, in fact one of biggest Ah-Ha moments in Attracting Greatness is the realization that high achievers (in almost every area of life) achieved their biggest breakthrough moments in life when they refused to quit…even though every fiber of their being was screaming to STOP trying already!

So what can you do to help you overcome the desire to quit, learn to stick with it and ultimately succeed and win at what you want in life?

1.  Have A Big Why!

When I am struggling to stay motivated, feeling the desire to quit on something really important to me in life I find it critical to be conscious of the big WHY behind why I am reaching for that goal in the first place.  For example, when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and fitness regime, I have a vision of being with my kids at their wedding, their awards ceremony, the birth of their children…these images are highly emotional, personal and impactful – very useful in overcoming the short-term desire to quit.  Do you have a big WHY behind your most important goals?

2. Self Confidence

Often when we give up on a dream, a goal or even short-term objective it is because we doubt our own ability to either achieve that goal or our future once we have achieved the desired outcome.  Achieving great things in life comes via personal transformation…that takes personal growth including solid self confidence in your own ability to reach your goal AND deal with both coming short or life after you have achieved your desired result.  You can “feel” committed to achieving a desired outcome, but your mind can play tricks on you if you are not 100% certain about your confidence level in both reaching that goal and dealing with life after.

3. Certain Belief

I call this “blind faith” at times – sometimes we may not be able to clearly see how we are going to get from point A (where you are today) to point Z (where you want to be) – but because breakthroughs in life require a certain belief we need to use mechanisms such as visualizations, meditation, and affirmations to condition certain belief into our minds even where that belief had not previously existed.   Think about Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile when that had NEVER been done before…not only did he achieve an amazing physical feat, even more important was the psychological hurdle of certain belief was instrumental as demonstrated by the hundreds of others that soon followed in his footsteps.  Have you consciously cultivated your own certain belief in line with your desired outcome?

So now you have some tools to help you combat the “little voices” that constantly test your resolve – interrupt those voices and replace them with an even bigger reason WHY you MUST keep going with confidence backed by certainty and belief that you will achieve the breakthrough you are looking for.

Let me ask you this…have you ever quit when you wanted to keep going?  Have you ever stuck with something and then achieved greatness? What techniques do you use to stick with your tasks?  Leave a comment.



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