Experience Breakthrough Change In Your Life – 3 Factors


So many of us have major areas in our lives we would like to dramatically improve.

It could be our health, our relationships, our own happiness or sense of self-confidence or it could be around money or finances…what we are really looking for is a major breakthrough – to change our life in a dramatic and lasting way.

But as anyone who has struggled with one of these areas of their life knows, it is far simpler to wish or want that change than to make it happen and make change in our life last isn’t it?

In Attracting Greatness we profile examples from our lives and those of many others who have gone from fearful, anxious and unhealthy to greatness quickly by using some powerful, but simple strategies.  One of the biggest advancements you can make in your life is to really understand how to bring about breakthroughs in your life.

It’s not surprising that change can be so challenging given that many of us have spent years (even decades) reinforcing the current though patterns, habits and conditions in our lives – all of that experience and conditioning will resist change unless we can find the trigger points to speeding up these breakthroughs.

Breakthrough Life Changes – Here’s How

Many people start out by “wishing” their life was different.  Sometimes that wishing becomes dreaming and even becomes an obsession, but yet the change still does not occur.

Others go ahead and make significant changes in their life, but can’t hang on to that change because at a fundamental level there is still a lack of alignment about what they become and what truly makes them satisfied and happy.

Let’s look at 3 major factors that prevent people from achieving huge breakthroughs in their life…and at the same time giving you the exact points of leverage allowing you to change your life in meaningful and lasting ways immediately.

1.Breakthroughs depend on intention and strategy

You can have the best of intentions, but if you don’t have a strategy (the part you learned from watching others succeed at job interviews) – you don’;t have the entire picture.  So any dramatic improvement in our lives involves two things – a burning desire to achieve it AND a strategy that works to help us get there, many people miss one or the other

2.Radical state changes lead to changed thoughts and behaviors

Changing your state to change your thoughts and changed thoughts results in changed behavior – I have done this for years without really realizing it, changing your state (posture, take a different route to work, change and hang out with new people, etc,,,) can quickly (sometimes instantly) change your thoughts and behaviors.  A good example of this is when you though something was impossible, then you saw someone do it, model them and find you can do it too.  It takes seeing and believing others to truly believe and change your state so you can do it next.

3.Thought change leads to positive energy and influence

People respond (and are attracted to ) people they like – and to people that give off positive energy…learning to change your state and your mindset to a more positive one automatically gives you a better chance of attracting and persuading people around you.

Do you see one of the 3 areas above as an area you can apply to your own life to finally achieve the breakthrough you have been wishing for?

Go ahead, make that change finally and in a few weeks we’ll hear back from you on how amazing the changes have been in your life.

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Comments on Experience Breakthrough Change In Your Life – 3 Factors Leave a Comment

November 29, 2012

ANTOINETTE @ 3:11 am #

great advice. I often tell myself and others to flip the light switch or put up a trigger STOP sign to change your mind and remind you to read, turn on music or what makes you feel better.

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