

How many times have you thought to yourself…”I really should sit down and figure out what I really want out of life” or “I need to create (or modify)) my purpose or vision“, and then… You get caught up in the next big crisis at work. Your kids interrupt you to help with their homework […]

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If you consider yourself tending toward introverted over extroverted (since this is a sliding scale), do you feel you are being left out in today’s society? As we all have times, situations and places where we can be more fulfilled and better creatively as an introvert – we should all ask ourselves this question. Two […]

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We all have things, situations, or people that triggers fear deep within us and renders us fairly useless in terms of response.  For some, it is the sight of an attractive member of the opposite sex, suddenly they are reduced to a blithering idiot (at least in their own minds) For others, the fear of […]

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I hear from many so-called introverts who feel they are the only one’s that feel like they had been placed on the wrong planet, that they just don’t feel like they totally fit in and deperately want to find a way to be “normal” or “that person” they picture as the optimal character that does […]

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Have you ever been caught in the catch-22 situation of wanting to break out of a rut, become more productive, get more motivated, imrove your life to be happier – but you find yourself with low energy and can’t seem to get started? There’s no doubt about it – self-improvement requires an investment in energy […]

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