How To Realize Purpose Driven Success

inspiration from your purpose

Purpose Driven Success

The chances of success with anything we do in life are very slim if we do not align our goals with an element of passion led by your purpose in life.

Yet passion alone does not mean that we will automatically take action or achieve the goals we seek.

What is the right balance of passion and objective execution toward any goal?

From the people we have consulted this is our current thinking around finding purpose and tapping into desire and passion:

1. You do need to start with what you love, after all that is what triggers the brain and your emotional system to work at its optimal (optimal chemical balance, lower stress, better functioning brain, immune system, digestive system, etc…) This is the key to an optimal state of emotional and physical “being” – the precursor to motivation, taking action, persistence, etc..

Just a quick aside, I watched this past weekend as my 9-year old in his 3rd lesson snowboarding – which can be a frustrating new skill to learn.

Now my 9-year old is prone to being easily frustrated, has a short fuse – but something amazing happened.  Even though he fell more than he stayed on the board, not once was there anything approaching a complaint.  Over and over again he tried and fell, then little by little it came.  The next lesson once again removed him from his comfort zone and back to falling, but again not one complaint and again he improved.

My point is that our ability to persist, take action, learn new things, make a difference, master a skill and stay happy are all built on the foundation of tapping into what we love

2. All of that said, knowing what your passions and interests are is only the starting point, from there you want to cultivate those passions and turn them into directions that help you achieve goals and objectives in your life.

So, if you have a goal to becoming a more “present” parent to your child (as one random example) – then find a passion or interest that you can share with your child and suddenly you will find things evolving toward your ultimate goal in a simpler way.

The control you have over achievement in your life is this link between what you are passionate about and the goals and objectives you seek.  If the two do not obviously line up, then seek a way to build an element of your passion into the goal you seek.

Effective business people do this all of the time.

You may seek to grow a highly profitable business, but know that your interest is NOT in building detailed financial plans, but is in networkiing with people.  By realizing your passion and strengths, focusing on how you can best serve your goals using networking while filling in the gaps via outsourcing, hiring or other methods where you can be free to focus on what you do best.

Do you know what your passions are?

Have you figured out how to apply them to major life goals?

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Pings on How To Realize Purpose Driven Success

March 6, 2011

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