5-Step Process To Change Your Life Fast


How many times have you thought to yourself…"If I could only overcome procrastination" or "If I could just get out of this rut" or even "If I could just have a little more energy I could finally make some serious progress" – but we still have trouble making meaningful change.

Sometimes we reach a point where we feel stuck in a rut, where one day seems to flow into the next and we question the meaning of our daily activity. 

Other times we experience a major life challenge such as the death of a loved one, a health challenge or financial challenges that makes us ask questions about our time here on Earth.

Often, we look for short-term direction by aligning our "new" direction in life with someone we know or admire, but that doesn’t typically lead to dramatic life change or lasting change does it?

To make sure we experience meaningful change and enhance our health, wellness, peace of mind and earning potential, thankfully there is guideance in the form of The 5 Pillars of Greatness outlined in the "Achieving Greatness" life improvement program.

To change your life, we must begin with finding our life purpose.  To do that, we must look within rather than around us for the answer.  Using techniques that promote introspection, we can identify our inner purpose and values that shine like a beacon in the fog to direct us to more stable, solid ground in our lives.

Next, dramatic life change requires a set of tools and methods for dealing with the negative stress in our lives.  To push forth in alignment with our life purpose it is important to be able to resist the constant winds that fight meaningful change – namely negative stress

In addition to our ability to ward off stress, we must also improve our resistance to fear instead replacing it with steadfast courage – this will lead to momentum, empowerment and the results that give us the confidence and strength to maintain our alignment with our life purpose.

To accomplish all of this, happily there are specialized techniques of yoga and meditation that can be directed to help us specifically help in each of these areas – that is the focus of the Achieving Greatness program – you’ll want to see more here.

Finally, even harnessing the incredible inner power of our life purpose, learning to look within and follow our inner voice, resist stress and fear there can still be one factor that prevents us from our desired change of life – it has to do with our system toxicity.  Most of us (very young and older) have reached such a stage of toxicity in our bodies that energy is not permitted to flow to the areas we need most.  Even if we improve everything from this point on, we must go back, take care of business and clean our systems out to start anew. 

This 5-step system to change your life is extremely powerful, highly effective and long-lasting – try applying it to your life now.

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Comments on 5-Step Process To Change Your Life Fast Leave a Comment

April 28, 2011

Ryno @ 10:48 pm #

Interresting article. I know what you are saying is true , just sometimes hard to find your real purpose. But ill keep at it 🙂

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