September 2015 Archives


There’s not a worse feeling in the world than how lacking confidence in yourself makes you feel is there? We dread letting ourselves down and actually admitting that we lack the self confidence required to push through certain situations in our life…we dread it so much that we make every excuse known to mankind so […]

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So many of us have at least one set of bad habits that we wish we could change. Habits around our health Financial habits Personality habits (anger, moodiness, jealousy, etc…) Habits associated with negative thinking or negative self-image or self confidence Work or study habits Even habits around what we do when we are stressed […]

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Answer this question honestly… When you do something wrong, get down on yourself or analyze your self-talk do you say… “I am _________”  versus “What I Did Was _________”? Which One Of These Boosts Your Self Esteem And Which One Kills It? What this really gives you insight into your level of self esteem and […]

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Without a doubt, we are happiest and most satisfied in life when we are on a course toward something meaningful. Absent any real direction, purpose or guiding light, we become lost, stressed, upset and confused leading to a host of emotional, physical and behavioral issues. Often being bored, lost or stuck are some of the […]

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Are you going through a point in your life where things just aren’t clear to you? You’ve reached a point where the path forward is just not apparent…you may have things you want or a picture in your mind of where you wished you could be, but what you should do next to get there […]

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stop stress life

We all talk about how much stress we have in our lives…but where does that stress really come from? When stress is at a chronic level in our lives it affects everything right? It seems that everything is conspiring to hit you from all angles – the one thing you do know for sure is […]

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