October 2013 Archives


We all doubt our self confidence at one time or another, but where do we fall on the scale of super confident to totally deficient? Confidence is a sliding scale, one minute or situation we may feel on top of our game when just a few hours later we may wonder where all that confidence […]

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Have you ever considered the rather massive change in our expectations within the last two generations? For most of us, our grandparents expectations were mainly around survival, safety and family. Our parents had more expectations around career, getting a good job and security. Today though, our expectations are far greater aren’t they? In fact, you […]

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When it comes to the notion of positive thinking (basically forcing yourself to think about positive things in addition to the thousands of negative thoughts that tend to go on in our heads) we get two camps… Positive Thinking Works…this camp attaches an almost mystical, magical notion to positive thinking that is, at first, very […]

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