October 2011 Archives


Have you ever felt that your interests or activities are just not productive?  That you like watching TV, going to the movies, talking with friends, traveling – but when it comes to goals, producing results, making a living or getting things done — you just don’t seem to know where to turn next? Every person I’ve […]

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Most of us have the desire to change bad habits at some point in our lives.  It could be an addiction like smoking or drinking, a relationship oriented bad habit like being selfish or not listening or financial bad habits that involve poor money management…but where do we start? You have no doubt heard that […]

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Great question isn’t it?  The first thing people wonder after they sit down and set out meaningful goals for themselves over the medium to long-term is how the heck am I going to actually make this happen? Goal achievement is a mixture of passion and dedication, science and magic…if you bring the passion, dedication and […]

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Of all the qualities that predicts success in one’s life persistence would be my #1 choice.  You only lose when you give up, otherwise persisting is the way to make progress. I know many very senior, successful people who have ONLY gotten where they are today because they never gave up – they persisted until […]

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