September 2008 Archives


I’m on my third reading of Eckhart Tolle A New Earth, one of a few spiritual personal improvement books I’ve read over the last couple of years and I have to admit, there are some concepts I have already started to live in my life from this book…stillness, living in the NOW moment and having […]

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After exploring ways to enhance the learning ability of our two primary school children, we came across a great deal of research dealing with brain health and nutrition – specifically, ways we can use to optimize our brain nutrition by adding more brain food to our diets. It doesn’t matter who you are, there’s no […]

Filed under brain food, Motivation by  #


Have you ever known those people who never seem to get sick?  They can keep a highly productive, consistent schedule and always seem to be up earlier to get their day rolling?  Is there a way to go from a weak immune system to boosting immunity without having to completely change your life? Flu boosters […]

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