June 2008 Archives


I love to play music and most of all, to play the guitar – for me it is a joy that my father passed down to me and that I am passing down to my children.  I’ve been in bands, I’ve played with friends and I’ve played alone, it doesn’t matter – everytime I pick […]

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We’ve heard ongoing studies demonstrating that stress busting techniques such as yoga and meditation have positive impacts on both your emotional and physical health including lower rates of disease such as diabetes,  cardiovascular disease and even some forms of cancer.  Of course, when we talk about longevity, there is no simple, one-factor answer but rather […]

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Sometimes trying to improve your life gets confusing doesn’t it? You’re supposed to think positive, don’t get down on yourself, focus on the positives right? But, how can you ever improve your life, your skills and achieve your ultimate goals if you can’t first face up to the reality of where you are right now?  […]

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Having experienced first-hand the benefits of various aromatherapy mixtures – a fringe benefit of having my wife taken various training in this area – the fact that smells of various foods or beverages having an impact on your mind and body isn’t all that much of a stretch.  One of the 5 key pillars to […]

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Wow, you didn’t have to be a golf fan to be impressed watching the athletic and mental victory Tiger Woods won this past weekend at the US Open in Torre Pines. A testament to passion, drive, will and sheer motivation that has been played over and over again in any sport imagineable – playing through […]

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