May 2008 Archives


Are you someone who entirely buys into the idea of improving yourself, personal development as a means of empowering your life?  Or, do you look at the entire concept of personal development with skepticism, wondering if anyone really knows what they are talking about or actually lives up to their advice? Certainly, the field of […]

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There are definitely some advanced topics when practicing personal effectiveness in your life – power persuasion tips, complex methods of introspection through meditation, advanced goal setting and time management techniques, but… There are also some very basic fundamentals that serve as the foundation for improving personal effectiveness as we point out in the New "Beyond […]

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I had someone ask me earlier this week…"if you could be reborn, what in your life would you change the next time around?"  I let myself think about the question for a moment, but then immediately realized there was a big problem with contemplating such questions – namely, it forces you into a mode of […]

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We’ve become a culture of dreamers, wishers living our lives on one of the biggest rollercoasters peaking at the top with hopes and enthusiasm crashing wildly to the bottom as dreams are dashed leaving us in a state of despair and regret. Not a happy story, but tell me this isn’t the case for most […]

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